

Joomla 3.5


Web Design

JQuery and Ajax


My name is Walker Aguilar and I am a web programmer specialized in PHP, MySQL, XHTML, Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, JQuery, Javascript, and CSS development.

I have been working as a Web Developer for over 6 years. I have worked for consultancy companies, developers, and other local and foreign programmers.

I always:
- Deliver a high quality work on time.
- Use standards which comply with a quality development.
- Get involved with projects and advise on possible improvements.
- Adapt to purpose/focus changes any project might have.
- Stay online, available on Skype, Messenger, and Google Talk in order to answer to your needs.

You can check my professional profile at Odesk webpage currently, the place where I work. Personal record

My Skills

  • Php
  • Mysql
  • Joomla
  • Wordpress
  • Jquery
  • Ajax
  • PHP/MySql
  •    Joomla
  •   Wordpress
  •    Jquery
  •         Ajax


My web developer portfolio shows my job experience, as well as the websites I have developed during the time I have been working as a freelancer.


Working with Walker has been a pleasure; he proved himself to be highly professional, creative and committed to work. He made TPX's website just the way I wanted it to be. [ Leo Rios ]

Walker: it was nice working with you. I would like to work with him again. He developed a plugin for payment systems with Google Checkout and a watermark system for photos, so he does what the promises and even more. Communication is great, all day online. [ Gladys Hevner ]


Do not hesitate to contact me at anytime to receive a free quote, make any questions about my methods or any general questions. Please use the form below. Alternatively, you can add me to Skype or call me. I will answer "as soon as possible". I hope you to have a day full of success.

Please contact me through one of these social networks:

Twitter [walkeraguilar]

FaceBook [facebook.com/walker.aguilar]

Skype [walkeraguilar]

MSN Messenger [walkeraguilar@hotmail.com]

Or, if you prefer, contact me by phone:


Remember, you can request a free quote without obligation to perform or redesigning your website. Please contact me now!

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